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Female Founders Finance Day powered by Berliner Sparkasse

Startup Incubator Berlin Rohrdamm 88, Berlin

SIB and Berliner Sparkasse are offering an afternoon full of financial know how - with a focus on Finance - and Liquidity Planning Together with the Berliner Sparkasse we, the Startup Incubator Berlin, invite you to an afternoon packed with Expert Know How on Financial and Liquidity Planning. Financial and Liquidity Planning is essential when

Workshop: Business Modelling for Startups

Startup Incubator Berlin Rohrdamm 88, Berlin

Analyze your startup: Does it have the potential to be a scalable business? And learn to develop relevant KPIs to track your performance. Goals of the workshop In this workshop, you will gain an understanding of how a startup is defined and whether your idea has the potential to become a scalable business. We will

Next Startup Lounge @Atopia Kaffeehaus

Startup Incubator Berlin Rohrdamm 88, Berlin

Startup Incubator Berlin goes to Prenzlauer Berg: Meet people with innovative mindsets to network and exchange ideas in a relaxed atmosphere Are you interested in the world of startups? You love to meet people with innovative mindsets and exchange ideas? Then this networking event is right for you! The Startup Incubator Berlin goes to Prenzlauer

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