Lade Veranstaltungen

Alle Veranstaltungen

Improve collaboration with better overview and structure, reducing complexity while generating more fun and autonomy for all team members


The workshop

The tasks of founders are complex and varied. Working in a fluid, constantly changing work reality. Interdisciplinary teams, many (technical) languages, and everyone works with great determination – but unfortunately misunderstandings, conflicts and crises often arise.

Fortunately, there are helpful methods to reduce complexity. Specifically: Better collaboration in interdisciplinary teams, better overview of the tasks at hand, better structure in the chaos for more fun and autonomy for all team members. Project management methods help us reduce complexity and find a common project language.

In this workshops, the topic is treated in a playful and interactive way. Your coach Nora promotes an open, humorous atmosphere for collaboration. So if you’re just looking for a lecture on the topic, you’re more likely to find happiness elsewhere. But if you want to try out new things and take different perspectives on problems, then this format could be useful for you.

Your coach

Nora Revermann is a startup coach at the Startup Incubator Berlin. As a certified designer, she loves elegant solutions, this applies to objects, but also to methods and systems. She completed an MBA in European Management” at HWR Berlin, then concentrated on management and leadership topics and immersed herself into classic and agile project management methods (GPM/IPMA &

Nora is a native German speaker and can easily accomodate all questions and discussions in both English and German.


The workshop takes place on-site at the Startup Incubator Berlin, located at the Berlin “Zukunftsort” Siemensstadt Square, just a few steps away from the U7 subway station Rohrdamm.

Registration is possible here until Wednesday, Apr. 3rd at 15:00 h, the number of participants is limited to 20 people. Please let us know early if you registered, but will be unable to attend. That way, we can accomodate attendees on the waiting list.

Due to the required registration at the gate and the access route to your workshop room, we ask participants to arrive no later than 14:45 h at the reception gate of our location (Rohrdamm 88, 13629 Berlin-Siemensstadt) where you will be met by our staff. A photo ID (passport, driver’s license, etc.) is required for access to the Siemens factory premises.

The workshop is free of charge for all participants, as it is publicly funded. For administrative purposes, our sponsors require enrollment in our participants’ lists (with full name, e-mail address, signature) on site.

Please note that photos or videos may be taken during our events. By attending the event, you agree to a possible publication of those.

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