Studieren Plus
We help students to secure their study financing so that they have more time for the essentials, even in complicated life situations.
Our intelligent software advises students and prospective students about possible state support for financing their studies based on their individual life situations. If one or more funding opportunity (e.g. BAföG, Wohngeld , orALG II) comes up as a possibility, the data obtained in the consultation is automatically transferred to the corresponding application forms and completed with the help of the virtual application assistant. Thus a comprehensive consultation and the submission of several applications in parallel 24/7 from anywhere in the world is possible with a simple Smartphone. The data remains stored in the personal member area for subsequent applications and can be updated and supplemented at any time so that subsequent applications can be submitted with less than five minutes of effort. Paperwork has never been easier.
Luisa Todisco
Mathias Todisco
Berlin Startup Scholarship