SIB Channels

Social Media

On LinkedIn, Instagram and Co. you can follow the Startup Incubator Berlin and never miss a thing. Events, workshops, a look behind the scenes – don’t miss out on the latest information!


Connect with the startup Incubator Berlin on LinkedIn!
Here you will receive news about our workshops, events and job advertisements.


On Instagram we want to share things you can browse through!
Take a look at the teams of the Startup Incubator Berlin,
impressions of events, or get an insight into how things are at the SIB.


On Facebook you have everything important from the Startup Incubator Berlin at a glance!
Current workshops, upcoming events, information about our programs and teams, job advertisements –
just follow us and always be up to date.

Share it with the SIB

Are you in any context with the Startup Incubator Berlin?
Would you like to cooperate, share your news with the SIB audience
and also offer your platforms as well?
Then just write us your suggestions and we’ll get back to you!