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Creating equal opportunities through the digitalization of children's education
Elisha Benner
Rosa Montserrat Xifré
a2zebra - We digitize education for children.
During closed schools, we felt overwhelmed with home office and teaching children in old-fashioned ways.
Based on that, we digitized the learning concept to increase the motivation of future genius.
Our goal is to enable each child in the world a playful journey into the world of primary education.
Elisha Benner (content creator, uncle of 3)
Due to the closure of the schools, I spent a lot of time with my nephew. We went to the BER airport together, counted aeroplanes and learned math. Based on these experiences, I had many product ideas and learning concepts for children in elementary school.
Especially in the first classes, I think it is important to promote curiosity and make the content relatable to children. I believe in making that possible with interactive storytelling.